Sci-Fi TrimSheet in Substance Designer
- Blockout
- Detailing & Polishing
- Rendering & Presentation
- Advanced graphs & trim texture sheets
Create A Sci-Fi
TrimSheet Texture
Learn how to apply and understand practical workflows to create a sci-fi trimsheet texture, from start to finish, with one of the Industry’s leading artists, Alberto Cordero. Alberto started his journey with Vertex School, and has since joined the Call of Duty franchise, working on "Warzone." Alberto has a passion and a talent for teaching, and he enjoys pushing the boundaries of learning and helping people.
This course was designed for people who want to improve their skills in Substance Designer and create more advanced graphs. Alberto will take you back to the basics, demonstrating how to keep your graphs clean for a better final product.
By the end of the workshop you'll:
- Be fluent on how to work with more advanced graphs.
- Understand your needs and create your own workflow depending on the project.
- Understand how to create your own creative process for your own designs.
- Understand and create more advanced sci-fi trim texture sheets.

Our courses are built around job-readiness so we use Sprints to help break the content up into actionable units.
Alberto Cordero

Instant Access
Sci-Fi TrimSheet in Substance Designer
- 100% Exclusive Lectures
- 7 Sprints
- 5+ hours of training
- A community of 2000+ artists
- Mode of Delivery: Online
- Community Support: Available
per month for 6 months
- 100% Exclusive Lectures
- 7 Sprints
- 5+ hours of training
- A community of 2000+ artists
- Mode of Delivery: Online
- Certification: Available
- Individual Video Support: 6/Mo
- Group Video Support: 6/Mo
- Email Support: Available